
Electrical electronics symbol library for TurboCAD

Original price was: 99,80 €.Current price is: 74,80 €.

Symbols of electrical engineering, electronics, electrical installation and automation technology for download

Over 450 circuit symbols based on current standards

adapted to TurboCAD 2D and 3D

Symbols are saved as blocks in TCW and DXF format

SKU: 1010-1 Category:


TCW and DXF symbols of electrical engineering automation technology electronics

  • Circuit symbols for electrical engineering, electronics and automation technology
  • adapted to TurboCAD 2D and 3D – all blocks saved in .TCW format
  • more than 450 symbols / blocks based on current standards
  • in the formats TCW and DXF
  • compatible with other common CAD systems, including AutoCad, Draftsight, FREECAD
  • consisting of several files, sorted by function
  • Application examples

A preview of the symbol library can be found here:

Elektrosymbole-00-Übersicht.pdf (16813 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-01-Grundsymbole.pdf (13179 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-02-Schaltelemente.pdf (11218 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-03-Motor-Lampen.pdf (9737 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-04-Spannungsquellen.pdf (9240 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-05-Messgeräte-Akustik.pdf (8870 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-06-Halbleiter.pdf (8438 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-07-Dioden.pdf (8378 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-08-Kondensatoren.pdf (8520 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-09-Transistoren.pdf (8409 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-10-IC.pdf (8941 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-11-Sensoren.pdf (8848 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-2016-12-Relais.pdf (9053 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-13-Steckverbindungen.pdf (9008 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-14-Binäre-Elemente.pdf (8678 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-15-Beispielschaltung.pdf (8783 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-16-Logische-Grundelemente.pdf (8757 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-17-Stromversorgung.pdf (9644 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-18-Installation-1.pdf (12362 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-19-Installation-2.pdf (11001 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-20-Installation-3.pdf (11105 downloads )

Elektrosymbole-21-Installation-4.pdf (10583 downloads )